[English below]

Daniele Lince è regista, sceneggiatore e montatore. È convinto che le storie possano cambiare il mondo e il suo obiettivo è trovare il modo migliore per raccontarle. Vive a Torino e dal 2016 lavora in team con Elena Beatrice con cui condivide spesso la regia e le fasi di lavorazione dei loro progetti. I loro lavori sono stati selezionati da diversi festival, tra cui Nastri d’Argento, Visioni Italiane e Giffoni Film Festival. Hanno realizzato branded movie per Parmigiano Reggiano, Blåkläder Workwear e Antrax IT Design. Tra i suoi cortometraggi troviamo “Verdiana“, una commedia che ruota intorno ad una terapia di coppia, una piantina un po’ speciale e una Maestra Zen interpretata da Angela Finocchiaro, “Fulmini e Saette” con protagonista Carolina Crescentini nei panni di una supereroina, “Monster Sitter“, un mockumentary sulla vita quotidiana del guardiano di un mostro lacustre, “Il ragazzo che smise di respirare” che racconta il bizzarro piano di un ragazzino che vuole salvarsi dall’inquinamento e ”The Mourners – Il Metodo Marcy”, un thriller sull’ossessione per l’aspetto fisico. Nel 2018 produce e dirige il documentario “Get Big”, il primo film italiano sull’Ultimate Frisbee. Nel 2021 scrive e dirige “Post-Scriptum- Uno sguardo ottimista dalla fine del mondo”, una docu-serie in 4 episodi, disponibile su Infinity+. Nel 2022 esce nei cinema il film a episodi “Femminile singolare“, sette storie di donne che compongono un mosaico di una realtà difficile e sfaccettata: l’episodio scritto e diretto da lui si intitola “Revirgination”, una commedia nera che parla di amore, diritti delle donne e patriarcato.

Daniele Lince is a film director, screenwriter, and editor. He believes that stories can change the world and his goal is to find the best way to tell them. Based in Turin (Italy), since 2016 he has worked with Elena Beatrice as director/screenwriter duo. Their works have been selected by several festivals, including Nastri d’Argento, Visioni Italiane, and Giffoni Film Festival. They directed branded movies for Parmigiano Reggiano, Blåkläder Workwear, and Antrax IT Design. Among his short films, there are “Verdiana”, a comedy about an unusual couples therapy, a special plant, and a female Zen Master played by Angela Finocchiaro, “Fulmini e Saette” (eng. title: “Thunderbolts and Lightning Strikes”), starring Carolina Crescentini in the role of a superheroine, “Monster Sitter”, a mockumentary about the daily life of the caretaker of a lake monster, “Il ragazzo che smise di respirare” (eng. title: “The Boy Who Stopped Breathing”) about the bizarre plan of a boy who wants to save himself from pollution, and ”Il Metodo Marcy” (eng. title: “The Mourners”), a thriller about the obsession with physical appearance. In 2018 he produced and directed “Get Big”, a feature documentary about Ultimate Frisbee. In 2021 he wrote and directed “Post-Scriptum- Uno sguardo ottimista dalla fine del mondo” (eng. title: “Post Scriptum – An Optimistic Look at the End of the World”), a docu-series in 4 episodes, available on Infinity+. In 2022 he wrote and directed a segment of the anthology film “Femminile singolare” (eng. title: “Female Singular”). The film is distributed in theatres by Artex Film. Seven episodes, seven stories of women that make up a mosaic of a multifaceted reality: his segment is titled “Revirgination”, a black comedy about love, women’s rights, and patriarchy.

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2024 Lecturer “Screenwriting and Film Directing” at the Sottodiciotto Film Festival
2024 Member of the Jury at the Freak Film Festival
2023 Winner Best Directing for Tra gli alberi at the Asti International Film festival
2023 Vice Artistic Director (with Elena Beatrice) for the project Piemonte Factory (Artistic Director Daniele Gaglianone)
2022 Finalista Biennale for Verdiana at the MArteLive
2022 Winner Audience Award for Verdiana at the Punti di sVista, ilBandolo
2022 Winner Best Directing for Femminile Singolare at the Villammare Film festival
2022 Winner Best Screenplay for Verdiana at the Garofano Rosso Film Festival (2021)
2021 Winner Best Screenplay for Verdiana at the AmiCorti Movie Awards (President of the Jury Paul Haggis)
2021 Winner Popular Jury Award for Verdiana at the AmiCorti Movie Awards
2021 Winner Best Film for Verdiana at the CORTeggiando Vimodrone
2021 Special Mention for Verdiana at the Festival Internacional Cine de las Yungas (Argentina)
2021 Winner Best Narrative Short Film for Verdiana at the FIAfest International Audiovisual Festival (Colombia)
2021 Winner Young Jury Award fo Verdiana at the Francigena Film Festival
2021 Vice Artistic Director (with Elena Beatrice) for the project Piemonte Factory (Artistic Director Daniele Gaglianone)
2021 Winner Best Screenplay for Verdiana at the Aprilia Film Festival
2021 Winner Aprilia Award for Verdiana at the Aprilia Film Festival
2021 Winner Troisi Award for Verdiana at the Videocorto Nettuno
2021 Special Mention for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy (Script for Feature Film) at the Concorso Letterario Tre Colori (Festival Inventa un Film – Lenola)
2021 Winner Stella d’Argento – Scaglie Award for Verdiana at the Festival del Cinema Italiano
2021 Winner Best Movie for TV (RAI Award) for Verdiana at the Festival Tulipani di Seta Nera
2021 Winner Young Jury Award for Verdiana at the Asti Film Festival
2021 Member of the Jury at the TOHorror Fantastic Film Festival
2021 Winner Best Short Film Award for Verdiana at the Italian Film Festival USA
2021 Winner Best Short Film for reVirgination at the SEE Online Film Festival by Cinesquare
2021 Official Selection for Fulmini e Saette at the Italian Film Festival USA
2021 Official Selection for Verdiana at the Cortinametraggio
2021 Official Selection for Monster Sitter at the Giffoni Film Festival – School Experience
2021 Winner for Un caso di coscienza at the LTUE Film Festival (Utah, USA)
2021 Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Market 2021 – Italian Distributor Pick by ShortsFit for Italian Short Film Center for Verdiana
2020 Winner Creatività in Corto (Audience Award) for Fulmini e Saette at the Corti da Sogni “Antonio Ricci”
2020 Special Mention for Verdiana at the Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Salerno (World Premiere)
2020 Nastri d’Argento – Selezione Finalista for Fulmini e Saette
2020 Winner Ronzinanti Award for Fulmini e Saette at the Cortisonici International Film Festival Varese
2020 Official Selection for Fulmini e Saette at the Giffoni Film Festival – Winter Edition
2020 Winner Best Message & Best Original Idea for reVirgination at the Top Indie Film Awards, Spring Edition (Japan)
2020 Selected by Suncine Festival Il ragazzo che smise di respirare for the school programEl Aula en Casa 2020” (Spain)
2020 Winner Best Women Filmmaker’s Film for reVirgination at the Cine Fern Film Award, March Edition
2020 Winner Audience Award for Monster Sitter at the LTUE Film Festival (Utah, Usa)
2019/2020 Special Mention Italian Short Film for Il ragazzo che smise di respirare at the Geo Film Festival
2019 Winner Best Directing for Monster Sitter at the Festival Corto Corrente
2019 Winner Best Short Film “Occhi Sul Lago” for Monster Sitter at the Festival cortoLovere
2019 Winner Best Film & Best Student Film for Fulmini e Saette at the Festival cortoLovere
2019 Winner “The Man and Society” Award for Il ragazzo che smise di respirare at the T-Film International Film Festival
2019 Winner Young Audience Award for Il ragazzo che smise di respirare at the Fuoricampo Cinema Giovane FilmFest
2019 Winner Audience Award for Il ragazzo che smise di respirare at the gLocal Film Festival
2019 Winner Visioni Ambientali for Il ragazzo che smise di respirare at the Visioni Italiane, Cineteca di Bologna
2019 Member of the Jury at the Roma Cinema Doc
2019 Finalist Best Script (top ten, round 1) for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy (Script for Feature Film) at the Breaking Walls Thriller Screenplay Contest
2019 Finalist Best Italian Documentary for Watch The Tempo at the Roma Cinema Doc
2019 Selected by the Italian Short Film Center Il ragazzo che smise di respirare for the school programCorti a scuola 2019
2018 Member of the Jury at the Video Hackers Film Festival
2018 Winner Special Prize for Get Big at the Sport Film Festival
2018 Winner Pindaro Award for Get Big at the Overtime Film Festival
2018 Member of the Jury at the Alessandria Film Festival
2018 Winner Best Thriller Script for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy (Script for Feature Film) at the MedFF – Mediterranean Film Festival
2018 Finalist Best Horror Screenplay for Zombie Life (Script for Feature Film) at the Die Laughing Film Festival
2017 Member of the Jury at the Filming Alessandria (filmmaker contest)
2017 Winner Best Script for The Price (Pilot Script) at the Headline International Film Festival (Canada)
2017 Official Selection for The Price at the Kansas International Film Festival
2017 Nominee Best Documentary for The Scientist of Sound at the Feel the Reel International Film Festival, January
2016 Winner Best Directing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Roma Cinema Doc
2016 Nominee Best Directing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Top Indie Film Awards (Usa)
2016 Nominee Best Director for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Bloodstained Indie Film Festival (Shanghai)
2016 Winner Best Editing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the ShortPole London International Film Festival
2016 Winner Best Editing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Feel the Reel International Film Festival, September
2016 Winner Best Editing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Short Stop International Film Festival
2016 Short Film Corner – 69e Festival de Cannes for The Price
2016 Nominee Best Editing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Ouchy Film Awards
2016 Nominee Best Editing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Bucharest Shortcut Cinefest
2016 Finalist for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Industry Boost Competition
2015 Winner Best Short Film for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at The Monthly Film Festival (Glasgow)
2015 Winner Best Foreign Slasher Short Film for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Fright Night Film Fest (Usa)
2015 Winner Best Short Film and Best Editing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Roma Cinema Doc
2015 Runner Up Best Foreign Short Film for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Rugged Phoenix Underground Film Festival
2015 3rd Prize for Best Short Film for The Price at the 12 Months Film Festival
2015 Nominee Best Thriller Short Film and Best Short Screenplay for Mario & Netta Show at the Terror Film Festival (Usa)
2015 Special Mention of the Jury for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy and Mario & Netta Show at the Corto Movie Festival Torino
2014 Nominee Best Short Film and Best Editing for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the Terror Film Festival (Usa)
2014 Short Film Corner – 67e Festival De Cannes for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy
2013 Short Film Corner – 66e Festival De Cannes for Piccoli Dei
2013 Nominee Best Editor for The Mourners – Il metodo Marcy at the 12 Months Film Festival